Howard High School of Technology students pose with orientation group.
Delaware Tech’s 威明顿 Campus hosted an orientation session for Howard High School of Technology students who are currently participating in the college’s Information Technology accelerated degree program. Starting in fall 2024, participating students will spend part of their senior year of high school taking college-level courses at the 威明顿 campus.

Delaware Tech Hosts Orientation for 1+1 IT Students from Howard High School

April 29, 2024

Delaware Technical Community College welcomed its first cohort of IT 1+1 students from Howard High School of Technology to the Orlando J. 小乔治。. Campus in 威明顿 for an orientation session on April 11. Currently, 18 Howard High School of Technology students are participating in the program.

By the end of this school year, the Howard students will have completed 16 credits toward their associate degree, with college-level courses taken directly at their high school. Starting in fall 2024, students will spend a portion of their senior year taking courses at the 威明顿 campus. During their recent campus visit, the students had an opportunity to receive their ID badges, 满足教师, and tour their future learning spaces.

The 1+1 dual-enrollment program, funded through a grant from JPMorgan Chase & Co., allows up to 25 Howard High School of Technology students to earn 30 college credits in their sophomore, 初级, and senior years toward an associate degree in Information Technology and Networking (ITN). Upon successful completion of these courses and graduation from high school, they will fully matriculate into Delaware Tech’s ITN program to complete their remaining 30 credits in one year to earn their associate degree.

 “Studies have found that dual enrollment is an effective strategy for raising high school graduation, college enrollment, and degree completion rates,” said Delaware Tech President Dr. 马克T. 布雷纳德.

The primary goal of the project is to expand the number of high school students from underserved and low-income populations who are enrolled in dual enrollment courses, and pair those courses with holistic services and supports to increase completion, enhance equity, and ultimately close the historical achievement gap for underserved students.

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